Wednesday 20 March 2013

File handling

By the will of Cybersmith!
I have found a useful online resourse (who my internal commmentary will of course pay homage to) which will aid me in the creation of a file reading subroutine which will store each different person's saved game upon a different line of a text file, something like this,

<string>     <integer>     <integer>
name            money         current "streak" of wins or losses

and as long as it is specified that the mname may contain no spaces, by all that is rational, I SHALL TRIUMPH!
All hail Cybersmith!

I decided to omit the section concerning win/loss streaks, in the complete file-handling code.

Monday 4 March 2013

By the will of Cybersmith! I now have a functioning windows environment and VS 2010 express. NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I never was able to operate monodevelop)