Tuesday, 29 January 2013


By the will of Cybersmith!
yes, I have noticed that when the dealer revealed his hand, no change occured in my money. This has been corrected.

Monday, 28 January 2013




Other than the option of having other players, the game is now ready for Gui design. I shall limit the number of additional players to two, but any number of decks can be used. Expect a video soon.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Progress update

The initial card drawing process irs a success, and I have once again managed to reduce the number of lines needed for the code to run. I shall next allow the program to continue after one game, and permit more than one deck and fellow player to be used. When this is done, it is GUI TIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!!, finally, the file handling will be adressed. I doubt I will be able to create a perl version before the deadline time however.
P.S, I made this practice GUI design in VB 6. Does anyone have any suggestions? how would YOU like to play blackjack?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

so far so good

It is done..... now the code will be further modified to allow for two initial cards to be drawn, and the first of the dealers cards to be shown, as with real Blackjack. Then I shall give the user the ability to summon other players and more decks. When this is done, I shall move onto the process of GUI refinement and finally file handling. expect a new video soon.

Monday, 7 January 2013


for the time being, my arrays shall remain global, however the next step is to make the Deck array dynamic by means of Array.Resize()

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


I am attempting to alter the data flow of my program, eliminating global variables. I cannot seem to pass an entire array by reference. I have thus far been unable to find a VB 2008 solution.