I didn't go in-depth as to the explanation of the user-interface, as this is a very early, crude version, that I will be changing soon.
The tale of the Cybersmith
The documentation of a programmer.
Thursday, 5 October 2017
First Video Of The Unreal Program
A partial demonstration of the program.
I didn't go in-depth as to the explanation of the user-interface, as this is a very early, crude version, that I will be changing soon.
I didn't go in-depth as to the explanation of the user-interface, as this is a very early, crude version, that I will be changing soon.
Unreal Engine: Isometric game test
I think it's high time that I brush the dust off of this old blog and start uploading again.
So, I think I'll start with some of what I've been doing recently, with Unreal Engine.
I've always rather liked the real time with pause, top-down style of RPG, but some aspects of it bothered me, mainly due to game-play elements being holdovers from tabletop systems which didn't really suit computer games, or because aspects of the interface limited player options (a prime example of this is weapon switching. Why can't my character keep his shield, but switch between a sword and a knife? Because his sword and shield are considered to be part of the same "slot").
So, a few months ago, I decided to try making one MY way. I'll be uploading content about how I'm getting on!
So, I think I'll start with some of what I've been doing recently, with Unreal Engine.
I've always rather liked the real time with pause, top-down style of RPG, but some aspects of it bothered me, mainly due to game-play elements being holdovers from tabletop systems which didn't really suit computer games, or because aspects of the interface limited player options (a prime example of this is weapon switching. Why can't my character keep his shield, but switch between a sword and a knife? Because his sword and shield are considered to be part of the same "slot").
So, a few months ago, I decided to try making one MY way. I'll be uploading content about how I'm getting on!
Sunday, 9 March 2014
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Encryption program test
By the will of Cybersmith!
HAMLET: To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--
No more--and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprise of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.
I have created an encryption program and I seek to ascertain it's integrity. Here is the un-encrypted text:
And here is the result:
~s> fzw2{
> izw2zw2z{
2s}w i{z2s2tsw2tv}{Q2iz2~v2xsvw~
2tws> f2y2sv2
ws2vw2s2ws2~{xw> T2zs2zw2vwsv2x2
wz{y2sxw2vwsz> fzw2v{
w2t `2sw~~w2w
2zw2{~~> Sv2s}w
2w2zsw fzs2x~22zw
2zs2w2}22xQ fz
2s~~> Sv2z
~{ [
2x2zyz> Sv2ww{
w2x2yws2{uz2sv2w i{z2z{
22s Sv2~
w2zw2sw2x2su{@2??2ex22> fzw2xs{2azw~{s32??2`z>2{2z2{
2wwtwwv@TMYXQ`F,`{,nq8,{~,z{,{,nq99tm,u,tq,}qu{zF ctqtq~,3u,z{nxq~,uz,tq,yuzp,{,rrq~ `tq,xuzs,mzp,m~~{,{r,{~msq{,r{~zq [~,{,mwq,m~y,msmuz,m,qm,{r,~{nxq Mzp,n
,{||{uzs,qzp,tqy:,`{,puq8,{,xqq|99 Z{,y{~q99mzp,n
,q,qzp `tq,tqm~motq8,mzp,tq,t{mzp,zm~mx,t{ow `tm,rxqt,u,tqu~,{:,3`u,m,o{zyymu{z Pq{x
,{,nq,utqp:,`{,puq8,{,xqq|99 `{,xqq|99|q~otmzoq,{,p~qmyF,m
8,tq~q3,tq,~n8 R{~,uz,tm,xqq|,{r,pqmt,tm,p~qmy,ym
,o{yq ctqz,q,tmq,trrxqp,{rr,tu,y{~mx,o{ux8 Y,suq,,|mq:,`tq~q3,tq,~q|qo `tm,ymwq,omxmyu
,{r,{,x{zs,xurq: R{~,t{,{xp,nqm~,tq,tu|,mzp,o{~z,{r,uyq8 `t3,{||~q{~3,~{zs8,tq,|~{p,ymz3,o{zyqx
And another example:
Thus do I ever make my fool my purse;
For I mine own gained knowledge should profane,
If I would time expend with such a snipe
But for my sport and profit. I hate the Moor,
And it is thought abroad that 'twixt my sheets
H'as done my office. I know not if't be true,
But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,
Will do, as if for surety. He holds me well;
The better shall my purpose work on him.
Cassio's a proper man. Let me see now:
To get his place, and to plume up my will
In double knavery. How? How? Let's see.
After some time, to abuse Othello's ears
That he is too familiar with his wife.
He hath a person and a smooth dispose
To be suspected--framed to make women false.
The Moor is of a free and open nature
That thinks men honest that but seem to be so;
And will as tenderly be led by th' nose
As asses are.
I have't! It is engendered! Hell and night
Must bring this monstrous birth to the world's light.
And it's encrypted form
~w222{~~ [2vt~w2}sw@2ZQ2ZQ2^w9
ww@ Sxw2
2{xw@ Zw2zsz2s2w
w f2tw2
w@ fzw2_2{
2x2s2xww2sv2w2sw fzs2z{}
M Sv2{~~2s
w S
2sw@ [2zsw932[2{
2wywvwwv32Zw~~2sv2{yz _
,|~qG R{~,U,yuzq,{z,smuzqp,wz{xqpsq,t{xp,|~{rmzq8 Ur,U,{xp,uyq,q|qzp,ut,ot,m,zu|q N,r{~,y
,|{~,mzp,|~{ru:,U,tmq,tq,Y{{~8 Mzp,u,u,t{st,mn~{mp,tm,3u,y
,tqq T3m,p{zq,y
,{rruoq:,U,wz{,z{,ur3,nq,~q8 N,U8,r{~,yq~q,|uou{z,uz,tm,wuzp8 cuxx,p{8,m,ur,r{~,~q
:,Tq,t{xp,yq,qxxG `tq,nqq~,tmxx,y
,|~|{q,{~w,{z,tuy: Omu{3,m,|~{|q~,ymz:,Xq,yq,qq,z{F `{,sq,tu,|xmoq8,mzp,{,
Here is an encrypted message:
> iz{uz2s
w@2`2[2s e{{
22wxuw>2s22wuzs> Sv22wv{y2{
s{> g~w
2[2tw2w~{wwv2t2sw> iz{uz2{wuw
@ S
2~v2svwv2tw> ^w22{v~ywuw2
,otm~y,m~q,mxx,{3q~t~{z8 Mzp,tm,~qzst,U,tmq‥,yuzq,{z8 ctuot,u,y{,rmuz:,Z{8,‥u,~q8 U,y,nq,tq~q,o{zruzqp,n
{8 [~,qz,{,Zm|xq:,Xq,yq,z{8 _uzoq,U,tmq,y
,pwqp{y,s{ Mzp,|m~p{zqp,tq,pqoquq~8,pqxx Uz,tu,nm~q,uxmzp,n
{~,|qxx8 N,~qxqmq,yq,r~{y,y
,nmzp cut,tq,tqx|,{r,
{~,s{{p,tmzp: Sq
I used the same encryption key each time, so can anyone tell me what the original message was?
All hail Cybersmith!
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
File handling
By the will of Cybersmith!
I have found a useful online resourse (who my internal commmentary will of course pay homage to) which will aid me in the creation of a file reading subroutine which will store each different person's saved game upon a different line of a text file, something like this,
<string> <integer> <integer>
name money current "streak" of wins or losses
and as long as it is specified that the mname may contain no spaces, by all that is rational, I SHALL TRIUMPH!
All hail Cybersmith!
I decided to omit the section concerning win/loss streaks, in the complete file-handling code.
I have found a useful online resourse (who my internal commmentary will of course pay homage to) which will aid me in the creation of a file reading subroutine which will store each different person's saved game upon a different line of a text file, something like this,
<string> <integer> <integer>
name money current "streak" of wins or losses
and as long as it is specified that the mname may contain no spaces, by all that is rational, I SHALL TRIUMPH!
All hail Cybersmith!
I decided to omit the section concerning win/loss streaks, in the complete file-handling code.
Monday, 4 March 2013
Monday, 18 February 2013
By the will of Cybersmith! I have downloaded, into an ubuntu 12.04 environment, a program called MonoDevelop (webpage) which I hope will allow me to continue. It will necessitate the conversion of my VB 2008 code into VB.net code, but alas, such is life. So far I have been unable to remedy me windows problem.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Unfortunate delay
By the will of Cybersmith! All my code is safe, due to a combination of sensible backup strategy and an emergency Ubuntu OS on a memory stick (all hail the mighty penguin), but the large computer, which uses microsoft XP has developed a fault in it's operating system, and I cannot run visual studio 2008 on a linux device (to large a program for wine) so I may be delayed for some time.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
By the will of Cybersmith!
yes, I have noticed that when the dealer revealed his hand, no change occured in my money. This has been corrected.
yes, I have noticed that when the dealer revealed his hand, no change occured in my money. This has been corrected.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Other than the option of having other players, the game is now ready for Gui design. I shall limit the number of additional players to two, but any number of decks can be used. Expect a video soon.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Progress update
The initial card drawing process irs a success, and I have once again managed to reduce the number of lines needed for the code to run. I shall next allow the program to continue after one game, and permit more than one deck and fellow player to be used. When this is done, it is GUI TIIIIIIIIIIIME!!!!!, finally, the file handling will be adressed. I doubt I will be able to create a perl version before the deadline time however.
P.S, I made this practice GUI design in VB 6. Does anyone have any suggestions? how would YOU like to play blackjack?
P.S, I made this practice GUI design in VB 6. Does anyone have any suggestions? how would YOU like to play blackjack?
Thursday, 17 January 2013
so far so good
It is done..... now the code will be further modified to allow for two initial cards to be drawn, and the first of the dealers cards to be shown, as with real Blackjack. Then I shall give the user the ability to summon other players and more decks. When this is done, I shall move onto the process of GUI refinement and finally file handling. expect a new video soon.
Monday, 7 January 2013
for the time being, my arrays shall remain global, however the next step is to make the Deck array dynamic by means of Array.Resize()
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
I am attempting to alter the data flow of my program, eliminating global variables. I cannot seem to pass an entire array by reference. I have thus far been unable to find a VB 2008 solution.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Regrettably I failed to upload this at the stated time.
The process by which the "dealer" estimates the value of the players hand is at follows:
X = the value of a card (ace = 1, all face cards = 10)
A = total number of with value X not in the dealer's hand
B = initial values for A OR int(20/X) (whichever is smallest)
N = number of cards in my hand
C = total number of cards not in dealers hand = (size of remaining deck + N)
Z = probability that I have a card of value X = (N*B)/C
X = 10
T = (estimated total value of my hand) = Σ(ZX)
X = 1
I may amend this so that the "dealer" assumes that I have a high value if I have not drawn a card for several turns.
here is the video:
The process by which the "dealer" estimates the value of the players hand is at follows:
X = the value of a card (ace = 1, all face cards = 10)
A = total number of with value X not in the dealer's hand
B = initial values for A OR int(20/X) (whichever is smallest)
N = number of cards in my hand
C = total number of cards not in dealers hand = (size of remaining deck + N)
Z = probability that I have a card of value X = (N*B)/C
X = 10
T = (estimated total value of my hand) = Σ(ZX)
X = 1
I may amend this so that the "dealer" assumes that I have a high value if I have not drawn a card for several turns.
here is the video:
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
watch this space:
By the end of today, I shall (all going according to plan) have a video walk-through of a single player blackjack game against the dealer, with one standard (no-joker) deck, and no additional players. Of course, there is still much to be done with regards to a graphical user interface, as the picture box feature can only (to the besticle of my knowledge) hold one picture at a time. Thus I face the dilemma: should the users "hand" be represented by a large number of picture boxes -most of which will not be used-, or is there a more innovative solution possible? if anyone knows (keep in mind I am using visual basic 2008 please use the commenty bit. also here is a cute thing:
Monday, 29 October 2012
Sunday, 21 October 2012
dealer algorithm test
hopefully the .avi file I have made can be uploaded to blogspot.
the dealers algorithm for a draw is as follows:
1. generate random number from one to 21
2. add to this number the sum value of the cards in your hand (all face cards are equal to ten)
3. if the resulting number is less than 22 draw a new card.
the dealers algorithm for a draw is as follows:
1. generate random number from one to 21
2. add to this number the sum value of the cards in your hand (all face cards are equal to ten)
3. if the resulting number is less than 22 draw a new card.
(sorry about the sound, my voice is awful on microphone)
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Important choice.
I have decided to focus primarily upon the Windows version of the program. If possible I will go on to adapt it for perl, but the visual basic version is the most logical choice for my focus. Not only will it be far easier to use (I have been using VB for the longest) but it is also ideally suited to the creation of a graphical user interface, which most people likley to use the program I intend to create would prefer.
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